Thursday, January 6, 2011

Double Hermeneutics/Use of Concept by.Margith Strand/Fielding Graduate University

Lennart Nørreklit [From his article:The double hermeneutics of life world
a perspective on the social, dialogue and interpretation: a Philosophy and Science Studies No. 5, 2006]Literature
Gadamer, H. G. (1989): Truth and Method. Continuum Intl Pub Group .
Kierkegaard S. (1843). Either or.
Prangsgaard m.fl. (1983): Aktørmetoden. Aalborg: Aalborg University Press.
Arbnor & Bjerke (1997): Methodology to creating business knowledge. London: Sage.
Henriksen, L. B. m.fl. (2005). Dimensions of change. Copenhagen: Copenhagen School of Business Press.
Skovsmose, O. (1994). Towards a Philosophy of Critical Mathematics Education. Dordrecht: Kluwer.

My ideas for Distance Education: A is the Instructor, B is the recipient;the central sphere/outer hermeneutic circle is the area of intersubjectivity./ Margith Strand

1 comment:

Akiko Sukiyama said...

Educational bounds of the inner sphere of knowledge is such that the information transfer of the modulus of interception is related to the speed of recognition of the informational input. As an acoustical consultant, I believe that the invention of the wheel is particular data for the ingestion of the human kind. The information Science of the language is inherent with the status of the clarity of the "observationist."