Friday, January 7, 2011

Affective be used for my Dissertation in Distance Education/ Margith Strand

Receiving is being open to the information; you haven't yet made any decisions at this stage, but you've agreed to at least receive the information. In our example, merely watching the video satisfies the receiving stage.

Responding is actively participating in the information. If the video had included tasks or an assessment and you had completed them, you would be satisfying the requirements of responding.

Valuing is attaching worth to the ideas presented. In our video example, if you had believed that the technique offered was worth considering and begun to think about implementing it in your everyday life, you have reached the valuing stage.

Organization is incorporating the new information into your existing schema. In the case of the video, this would include implementing the technique presented in your daily life.

Characterization occurs when you truly become an advocate of the new information. In the video example, this may mean telling others about the technique or finding some way to pass the information along to others.

From: Wikiversity/2011

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