Saturday, May 29, 2010

Study/Future Margith A. Strand/ May 29, 2010

The purpose of this study is to construct the design of elucidating the mechanisms of the "cycle" of the interactions which are inherent within the nature of the distance education field. The Adaptive Structuration Theory is one of the main constructive ideas upon which the platform will be developed and shown to be based on structure and systems; the imaginal phenomenological basis of the approach will be established to be the foundation for which one of the better pathways to the online course format is delivered.

Researchers in the future can find that they are on their own advent of their philosophy and construction of design as online facilitators. They can find that perhaps all or most of the learning approaches are inherent in the construction of the educational training and teaching present on the online venue. The distance approach is a viable option to study and present research to be based on most of the other learning processes which have been studied by past educators.

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