Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Adaptive Structuration Theory is process and structure: social factor
ERG is physicodynamic motivation theory
Discourse is reality in writing
Semiotic is another word for meaning and expression
discourse....Discourse...Contextual meaning...Social Effect
Imaginal "soul" phenomenology....color? expression?

To prove that Adaptive Structuration Theory is the process and systems-dynamics approach to the positivistic, imaginal distance learning and teaching field of education: process orientation of which is Discourse Analysis, with all of its social factorization.

The outcome is to facilitate and improve the process of instruction on the online platform delivery with the enablement from the semiotic of information patterning.
"Calling of the course" and the result of the social factor?
Communication.....Expression...Abstract to Concrete.

At this current time, there are discrepancies in the level of performance on the part of Instructors as well as students, at all accreditation levels, and we can see that these discrepancies can be alleviated by improving the expectations in the technical and academic apsects of the Discourse field.

Students and facilitators are in need of a academic set of background material which will add to the backdrop of support systems structure and processes in that we can facilitate the outcome to be at a higher level of achievement with a set of ascertained goals and objectives.

With the academic set of material, which is intended to support the mission objective of the student, he or she can be aware of his and her higher expectations as is required by the online format of delivery, given the course outcome objectives and course orientations.

The Discourse processes will be determined and attained through the investigation of the discourse and the meta-derived processes which will support the steps of the Adaptive Structuration Theory model through the ERG [Existence/Relatedness/Growth] and the Organizational Behavior theories.

How does Adaptive Structuration Theory enable the student to [collaborate] in his or her class with the following domain and dimensional concept variables: situated meanings, and cultural context.

Within the domain-reach fashion of the student approaching the context from his or her Instructors performativity and practice level, is it possible to discursively determine how effective an Instructor is in his or her course platform?

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