Monday, May 24, 2010

Dissertation Progression / Fielding Graduate University [2010/Summer] / May 24, 2010 A New Universality Approach to Online Education:Margith A. Strand

Constructivistic online education is not new to the field of Education, it is the basic construct of the online delivery mechanism which is based on the premise of meaning and context to the platform. It is laid on the foundation of motivation, insight and knowing the parameters for which the student has challenged himself or herself to embark on a course during which he or she will succeed or attempt to rejuvenate their efforts again. In the records of academia, we have seen constructivism as a basis of knowledge which holds information for the reader and the practitioner in the foundations of structure and systems in that a wide variety of literature has been produced with these referents. In my mind, the constructivistic approach is one where the facilitator is one who must insight enthusiasm and encourage with a sense of Group Dynamics, Group Processes, Comparative Value Judgements, Personality, Performativity, Work design, Comparative Attitudes, and a good set of work ethics to go by for himself or herself.

Among the basic psychological foundations which are the essential designs laid to deliver the understanding in the comprehension of the human aspect is Maslow's Hierarchy of of "Needs." Here we have the basic "bottom-rung," which is labelled "physiological," the next, "security," then, the next level "self-esteem," and the highest with the "self-actualization."

Of course, we can apply these ideas to the contexts of the online student, and yet, I feel that a more appropriate theory lies in the ERG (Existence/Relatedness/Growth) theory where we can consider the paramaters of the individual to be within the domain of social atomism and reductionistic approach of the student as a thinker and a feeling person who drives himself or herself within the construction of the classroom and "needs" a hierarchy of control and gentility. One of the ways in which we can assure the delivery of such a course layout must be by examining the design and the approach of the interactions of the facilitator expression, or in more academic terms, platform wording, and in the author of this paper's mind, semiotic expressions. We find that one of the best ways to articulate the meaning of the delivery is to use the "imaginal (soul) phenomenology" which is a new area of pychology in which the "soul-factor" of the language-use is expressed as a part of the academic realm of study.

From a systemic perspective, constructivism is a part of the whole, and the smaller component is Adaptive Structuration Theory. The whole is the global approach and the AST is one of the components of that global approach in that it is needed to define the entire picture which is the joining the links of the disparage between "Discourse" and "discourse" in the realm of the online educational world, within a small sample set.

The Adaptive Structuration Theory results in the construct of structure as understood by Marshall Scott Poole. AST is concerned with the time, place, and space aspects which are comprised within the world of the technologically-driven course platform associated with the online educational arena. We find that within this construction of the course format, the "techno" is hidden and the social aspects are more important in the delivery of the class in that the Group Dynamics, as well as the Work Function, comprised of the Work Team Dynamics and the Organizational Behavioral aspects. ERG (Existence/Relatedness/Growth)is the backbone in terms of psychodynamic theory, and the organizational management of the organizational behavioral theories which lie behind the students and the facilitator of the course modular matrix may be considered as the pathway to the sectional perspective of AST.

AST is a change process dynamic which deals with the realm of structure and change and within the Structuration part, it deals specifically with the cognition of the time and space and place aspects of the locale, whether that be in the context of the mind, or the technological reality of the convention. We find that AST deviates from the realm of "techno" in that the concept of "Social action" is of paramount importance and the fact that the machinery is of minimal significance is of paramount virtue and construct of the theoretical development.

Imaginal Phenomenology is the other "backbone" of the swemiotic delivery concept in that the "soul" factor of the psychology and the intent of the individula/group, must be considered within the nature of the course, class and institutional endeavor, including the online approach to education.

Within the construction of a "good" course, we can consider the group processes, group dynamics, and the cultural models which are a part of the concept varialble for the meta-analytical process we are going to embark on; the other concept varialbe can be considered as the "situated meaning," which is the diference in the definition of the term: discourse and Discourse. Discourse means Social Action. The definition for the term "discourse" is "situated meanings." By my method, we are going to look at the innate difference in the terminology of the same word, with two different meanings, which will be called: internal meta-analysis of the semiotic delivery.

One change which I will bring about is the "cultural model" into cultural "context."
The content analysis of the threaded discussions will result in the meta-analysis if one is aware and seeks to find the change in the "discourse to Discourse" with an affirmative y/n approach to a question involving the two concept variables. The other concept variables are "power" and "performativity."

Meta-analyses are carried out to confirm the trend by examining the effect-sizes. Meta-analyses will be used as a model-basis in a qualitative sense to see the "effect-sizes" and the results of quantitative analysis on a qualitatively defined set of literature bases. As defined, the "r" factor is the strength of the relationship between the variables, including concept variables, and the "d" factor is the strength of the difference between the concept variables. In the best case scenario, we hope to find the "discourse to Discourse" enablement by quantitative manners to be shown by a large r-factor, displaying the strength in the relationship between the discourse into an effective Discourse and approved social strength in the semiotic wordings of the courses examined.

The concepts variables "situated meanings" and "cultural contexts" will be used, along with "power" and "meaning," as a second set; the third set is "power" and "performativity."

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