Monday, February 2, 2009

Matrix Model and Educational Context/Margith Strand

Matrix Model and Educational Context/Margith A. Strand/Learning Approach Analysis Methodology

I have discussed the Matrix Model briefly within the context of analog and digital applications of venue within the area of Distance Education. I would like to add some information into the area of Matrix Model and Educational Context. The area of Matrix Models includes the ideas of "operators" and the functional approach that these "operators" can perform and achieve change within the classroom arena, both online and on-ground. Operators typically are syntactic in the way in which their functional logic expresses the "function manner" of the class format, course format, instuctional format, facilitator class approach, course software approach, program approach, and general educational approach of an institution if the "learning approach" were to be considered when speaking in macroscopic terms and if one were taking a look at the general educational dynamics of the higher educational institutions and contexts of the college and university. In the scope of the "learning style" comparison, one could consider evaluating the differences and the so-called, what I will term "educational contexts" and "differential scales" of the institutions with the "learning models."

Operators are "to-do" function symbols, in my model, and they are words which express the action and the functionality in action when encompassing a theoretical and actualized way of doing something to initiate the change in education. I believe that educational institutions are based on the various learning models today, which in turn can be subsetted into various "operator" related function series; these function series can be expressed into Matrices and Matrix Tables of Educational Operators which can be used to evaluate and assess/differentiate between the effectiveness of the learning models by comparing the statistical data which evolve from the student population and basing the scores on the "operator functions." In other words, the educationally-derived "operators" are units from which to gather a collective way in which to compare larger driving systems of operations, such as a learning model of an higher education institution.

My basis of derivation for this idea/concept is from the Group Theory Model of Chemical Analysis and the Matrix Model of Operators which are used in these regime of chemical learning.

One entry found.

Main Entry:
Middle French or Late Latin; Middle French sintaxe, from Late Latin syntaxis, from Greek, from syntassein to arrange together, from syn- + tassein to arrange
1 a: the way in which linguistic elements (as words) are put together to form constituents (as phrases or clauses) b: the part of grammar dealing with this2: a connected or orderly system : harmonious arrangement of parts or elements 3: syntactics especially as dealing with the formal properties of languages or calculi

The function and the logic of the "syntax" is the definition of the term which I am seeking.

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