Saturday, February 7, 2009

Concept Paper/Methodology and Personal Background/Margith A. Strand/February 7, 2009


The methodology of the study will involve the concept of C.T.C.C. [Concrete Thought Confirmation Concept] which is a “string” analysis theory that involves the “coding” and placement of the conceptual relationship into the sequence of learning steps or programs as intended by the program or course platform. Briefly put, C.T.C.C. is a step-wise method of conversion of abstract to concrete and is a reversible process that involves the “string” connection in terms of the discursive overall look at the course outcomes and learning objectives as facilitated by the words of the instructor and students in the course. To this extent, the words, as semiotic expressions of the overall intent of the instructor and the student, reveal the effectiveness of the expression and the overall structure of the sentence, phrase (phraseology), commentary, paragraph, or block of the portion of the discussion “thread.”

The coding of the Atlas.ti analytic program or process can be placed into the software with the background and the intent of the programmer or user in mind. The coding will be done with the components of the Discourse Analysis which I have chosen in mind. The choosing of the coding will be a task in itself and will take some extent of dedication and work. At this point, I have formatted the process of path and delivery of the study to the point that I can gain some ground in beginning the project with the intended goal and objective having been stated.
Here is a brief discussion of the venue of the C.T.C.C., intended to lay the construction of this portion of the theory so that we can add to the discussion at a later point: “Abstract theory” formation in distance learning in the area of the Sciences is something that is enabled through the assistance of what I will term “concrete thought confirmation concept” (C.T.C.C.). CTCC is an area which includes the use of application-driven models in that real world examples are used to support and facilitate the understanding and visualization of the theoretical connections to the “abstract.” “Abstract” in Science includes the visualization of physical processes in the dynamic form and integral mathematical form of stepwise processes where real-time and dimensional approaches are used to describe the natural way of doing things. CCTC can be used in Distance Education to promote the enhanced-learning of the more difficult concepts in various areas of subject fields which encompass calculus-driven functions and matrices-modeled physical theories. Within the educational context of distance learning and distance teaching, we see that the use of the transformative, step-wise driven “abstract to concrete” change of cognitive assimilation of information to a knowledge-base is facilitated by the presentation of an exchange of theory to application and application to theory in context of the subject matter. I believe that this process can hold true for various fields of study. Namely: law, economic theory, political theory, social science, mathematics, physics, engineering, among others. In addition, within the context of empirical and experiential theory applications, I feel that the integration of “abstract to concrete” and “concrete to abstract” idea formation in the student, in the effort to bring about the assimilation of information for the needed conversion to a knowledge-basis set for that area of study proceeds through the same track of learning.

The application of the Atlas.ti software should reveal a bountiful amount of information which can subsequently be studied for further framework-related data. The application of Atlas.ti for this study originated with the idea that “coding” may be an excellent means to generate the needed relationships and “strings” into the discussion threads so that the information can be found from the student and facilitator input for a set of classes. The author of this study has had experience with Grounded Theory and Grounded Action studies and therefore is familiar with “coding” procedures. One of the Committee members of this study is Dr. Jenny Edwards, an expert in the field of Atlas.ti software analysis and a constant seminar presenter in the field.

Personal Background

Discourse Analysis is an area which has long applied in area of knowledge-based theoretical discussions. My current application in the field of Distance Education is an area which is of the advent of the field of Developmental Distance Education and Learning Theory in that I feel that Dr. Rena Palloff’s teaching techniques of “Collaborative Learning” is the model for discussion formats in the field and I can add to that effort of attaining the ability in style and result if the Discourse Analytic mode of a discursive look at one’s style and ability were made. The components of the methodology as I would call it are from J. Lemke’s work as listed in the bibliography [1]. This list is from the choice which he has made; discourse analysis can be comprised of varying groups of components and can be less effective in attaining the needed result of the objective for that analysis.

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