Saturday, February 7, 2009

Limitations of Study/ Concept Paper/ Margith A. Strand/ February 7, 2009

Limitations of Study/ Concept Paper

Limitations of the Study
The limitations of the study are involved in the boundary regions of the information used during the analysis stage of the study. Unlike Scientific theory models where the data is driven by the physical and factual realms of reality, we are interacting with educational theorization of situations and stances that are also data driven. However, in these cases, we are looking at the students and their knowledge formation in fields that are back-dropped in similar ways for the students by the educational institutions but, the material are perceived in different ways and to varying degrees of cognition and understanding.

I do feel, however, that the fact that the students are perceiving to varying degrees of understanding allows for the variation which is needed in sampling a large set and range of a data sample which, in this case, lies in the data sampled by the Atlas.ti software through the application of coding parametric applications. In the case that all of the population of the data sampled, are of the similar origin in their background and base-inherent information, we may not “see” the real case.

In this study, we are not looking for the level of comprehension; we are seeking for the “texture” and what makes for the “range of quality,” as well as the “colors” of the discussions obtained through the Discourse Analytic methodology. This study is intended to be a qualitative study meant to reveal the “qualities” and some of the “semiotically quantitative terminology” which may be revealed through the study.

Boundaries are constructs of our minds, as well as our students, and we as facilitators are in the platform modules as people to deliver the aspects of “color, insight and breadth and the knowledge of delivery in a way that is supportive of the receiver in the person on the “other side.”

Limitations in the field of Distance Education are more than likely inherent in the construction of the mode of the delivery style. The term delivery style is double-formatted: in the qualitative and quantitative way in which the Instructor and student, alike present their wording and ideas.

The other definition for delivery-style is the mode of the technology and the manner in which it is delivered. Even in the realm of the technical, we can see there are the ground-based computer format, and the laptop, with their individual and independent constraints and advantages.

Boundaries are modal. Modalities depend on their environment. Students and Instructors alike depend on their environment in both on-ground and online facets of receiving, delivering and retaining education, knowledge and instruction. I will be addressing the differences in this area of the facets of knowledge-base, information and data within the construct and context of modalities and the inherent limitations which may exist therein.

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