Thursday, July 22, 2010

Margith A. Strand/ July 22, 2010

Process for Study/Discussion Threads/Analysis
Transitive inference
Balance Scale Task:
Knowledge Representation
Memory Space Approaches

My take: Distance Education based on Cognitive and Learning Processes
Linearization of Thought:….p. 377
Problem Space p. 201
Context and Pattern Recognition p.
Means –Ends Analysis p. 210
Factors Affecting Practice p. 239
Procedurazing Knowledge p. 246
Knowledge of Results

Cognitive Psychology and its Implications/ John R. Anderson

Objectivity/Subjectivity/Empirical Learning Process/a priori?

Learning processes/judgements? Non-existent/Understanding present
A priori/ [a posteriori]/ Learning Process/Motivations

[The a priori /a posteriori distinction, as is shown below, should not be confused with the similar dichotomy of the necessary and the contingent or the dichotomy of the analytic and the synthetic. Nonetheless, the a priori /a posteriori distinction is itself not without controversy. The major sticking-points historically have been how to define the concept of the “experience” on which the distinction is grounded, and whether or in what sense knowledge can indeed exist independently of all experience. The latter issue raises important questions regarding the positive, that is, actual, basis of a priori knowledge — questions which a wide range of philosophers have attempted to answer. Kant, for instance, advocated a “transcendental” form of justification involving “rational insight” that is connected to, but does not immediately arise from, empirical experience.] Hold Author: CA Time 7:30 P.M.

Experience of learning….motivation…cognitive reference.

Empiricism/Rationalism/Learning Process
[Object in Humanism]

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