Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Globality-Specificity/ By Margith A. Strand

On the topic of globality-specificity, I feel that the Loci of Control concepts are very important to the generation of discourse versus conversational discussion presentation on the part of the Student-Practitioner. Specificity is a concept which encompasses the needs of the details surrounding the subject matter. Being that “surrounding” is a contextual term which indicates medium, the need arises in that the terminology of discourse is expressed by articulating the specificity of the topic on hand. Globality is also a contextual term, and we find that the generalizations of the “specificity contexts” leads one to the conceptual expression of Globality; which represents Discourse. Discourse is a concept which articulates the essences of Social Justice and concern for the welfare of mankind.

One may say that “Discourse” in Distance Learning is a summation of the specificities and the sum-total of the socially-conscious efforts which one can carry as a function of one’s life process. One can be specific in the discussion expressions and be without “cause or effect,” it is the essence of the context which brings the semiotic expressions to discourse. Much as in life, we can make the effort, and yet if one does not have the direction of meaning, the effort may not come to fruition.
In terms of the Loci of Control and the area of Distance Education, we have to articulate that the three state variables: Inquiry-Advocacy, Positivity-Negativity, Internal-External (other self), we find that Positivity-Negativity means the articulation of presence of direction and the lack of direction in the sense of purpose of the Student-Practitioner’s writing. This application to “Semiotic Expression” can take on a new meaning to the theory of Loci of Control. The control of “connectivity” for the Loci of Control is one that is very accessed in that the “Inquiry-Advocacy” concept also; we can see that if the three state variables are connected through the sense of discourse and ultimately, Discourse, we can validate the “Loci of Control” as a process which is not segmented but connected in the conceptual thread of purpose which is present between each of the State Variables. Inquiry is a necessary construct of discourse; advocacy is a necessary construct of the Distance Education field in that one needs, along with the third State Variable, Internal-External (other-self) which are learning constructs. They are supportive of the learning processes and assist in the methods of acquiring the knowledge and process enablers of the Distance Learning platform.

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