Saturday, January 8, 2011

Under Positivism and Structural Functionalism..placed by Margith Strand/ January 8, 2011

2. Concepts for analyzing society beginning with individual actor and building in stages to the social system

a. individual actor
status-role= the basic structure governing the individual s participation in a social system; a status is a position in a system of relationships; a role is the behavior expected of someone in a given status

b. interaction
pattern variables= the culturally derived orientations guiding how individuals
relate to each other in given status-roles; there are five pattern variables and each presents two mutually exclusive alternatives to basic questions a person faces in orienting to another person

affective vs. affective neutrality
diffuseness vs. specificity
ascription vs. achievement
particularism vs. universalism
collectivity vs. self

Ideas for Margith Strand to place into Dissertation/Distance Education

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