Sunday, January 17, 2010

More on Delivery...from Social Semiotics (Comments)

From the Social Semiotics section: Language is constituted as ‘a discrete network of options.' The idea of systems and networks (systems organised as networks) proposed by Halliday before the ‘Network Society’ has applications to all aspects of Social Semiotics that are yet to be fully explored
My take on this is that In terms of Social Network theory, the elucidation of the concepts and the application of the choice of words and wording are what makes the messaging come through. It is the function of the wording and the "causation of the semiotic delivery" [M.S.] which is the important role of the terminology in the expression. Nodal connections, as mentioned in the Social Networking diagrams, are actually representative of the "function" of the causation that the words bring about [M.S.] The activity coefficients are the points of effectiveness of the wording of the messaging. [M.S.] Activity coefficients are actually, in my mind, in the Social Theory expressions, the "value" and somewhat numerical "raters" of the extent of the effectivity of the function for which the delivery is being made. of the cause....meaning and delivery...function to bring about....causation...semiotic delivery...words as meaning...semiotic...Inherently, words do not have meaning...words have meaning when function thereforewith are delivered as a consequence of ....the delivery must be attached. Words have no meaning unless the word itself has meaning in the student's life...perspective and Part of structure and needed in its inherent necessity.
Words have definition...knowledge, comprehension and delivery of. Knowledge is ok to know...action to bring about. Construction..words have is where it is at...Construction of words as meanings....function.

1 comment:

Distance Education Village said...


Your Blog is taking a very good shape. I love to see that you combine knowledge, reflections, pictures, art and concept maps. Great job!
