Thursday, October 1, 2009

"Organelle" and "Perceptioning" as "Instructioning"

Hello! I have sent this note today to Dr. Mahon and received an affirmative comment.

I am supporting this message with more information which I have worked on lately.

In sense of a physical boundary and the ideas pertaining to the Distance Eduation field, I have modelled the Causality area with a sense of Boundaries and the connotation of the limitations and the outer "Organelle" and spherical sense of physical as well as extension the that physical boundary that one can extend on in terms of the sense of self being the center point of the Organelle structure that the person embodies in the Distance Education world. The most important part of this "organelle" structure is that the act of "perceptioning" goes on and this can be emulated as the "Instructioning" phase.

I will proceed more on these thoughts later today.

Thank you.

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