Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Ecosocial Dynamics - Lemke/ September 2009

Ecosocial Dynamics
Ecosocial Dynamics concerns ecosocial systems and networks, i.e. those ecosystems, including all material components, for which semiotic practices are essential to characterizing the dynamics of the material processes which constitute the system through their networks of mutual interdependencies.

Across the Scales of Time: Artifacts, Activities, and Meanings in Ecosocial Systems --Text
Opening up Closure -- Semiotics across Scales, Full-text
Topological Semiosis and the Evolution of Meaning -- Textweb

Complexity and Educational Change -- AERA 2002

ICCS/NECSI Nashua Conference -- Multiple Timescales and Semiotics in Complex Ecosocial Systems -- WWW

Learning Academic Language Identities: Multiple Timescales in the Social Ecology of Education -- TEXT, Addendum on Developmental Heterochrony


The original account of ecosocial systems and dynamics is found in my Cultural Dynamics paper, "Discourse, Dynamics, and Social Change," and is also discussed in Chapter 6 of Textual Politics (1995).

A further development of the ideas is presented in "Material Sign Processes and Ecosocial Organization," contributed to a volume on emergent organization in physical and social systems (see my Bibliography for citations).

Important sources for this approach are found in the work of the theoretical biologist Stanley Salthe on hierarchical organization in biological systems, of the physicist Ilya Prigogine on emergent order, the linguist Michael Halliday on language as a social semiotic, and most recently sociologist Bruno Latour on network alternatives to classical systems paradigms. The roots in my own work go back to the early concept of dynamic open systems as representing the material basis for semiotic practices (see Retrospective Postscript in Textual Politics, or my 1984 monograph Semiotics and Education).

Contexual Causality: Effectivity and Perceptioning-Standards for Operatives in Distance Education

Margith Strand to Yolanda, me
show details 11:31 AM (2 hours ago)

To: Dr. Gayol

Hello! I have returned. I would like your permission to enter an e-mail message which includes all of the thoughts which I have collected. The title of the Dissertation thesis which I have come up is the following: Contextual Causality: Effectivity and Perception. The Semiotic standard operatives in Distance Education. This material leads with the context of the 8th Knowledge Area, which is the Higher Education one where I am looking at the connection between Mary Baker Eddy's work on Health and Science and the realm of going beyond the ordinary into the area of Prevailing.

I will be adding the material today. Thank you:)

--- On Wed, 8/5/09, Yolanda Gayol wrote:

From: Yolanda Gayol
Subject: RE: Hello!
To: "Margith Strand"
Date: Wednesday, August 5, 2009, 8:35 PM


Good to hear from you. I will be looking forward to your phone call.

Best regards,


Yolanda Gayol, Ed.D.
Graduate Faculty Mentor
Fielding Graduate University

From: Margith Strand [margithstrand@yahoo.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 05, 2009 4:17 PM
To: Yolanda Gayol
Cc: Margith Strand
Subject: Hello!


Hello! I have called you yesterday and will try to reach you soon. I have submitted the documentation for the continuing application for the continuing year and will be contacted soon in that area.

I will call you today.

Margith Strand

Fielding Graduate University
Student in ELC/ August/2009

I have the following information for the area of the Clinical and Psychology field.
I feel that possibly the Grounded Theory and Discourse Avenues may be of assistance to us as an University. The concept of the Grounded Theory field in the Psychology area will pertain to the following sections: Analysis of the experential divisions of the field.
