Monday, February 9, 2009

Precoding Thoughts/ February 9, 2009/ Margith A. Strand

After looking at "The Practice of Social Research" by Earl Babbie, I have come up with the following ideas on the aspect of Contextual Theory and analysis: Main construct of factorization...semiotic factor...repition values of words hierarchy...phraseology, sentences, and blocks...[general pathway..yes/no]

Limits present...length of terminology.

Qualitative nature of wording:

"color" as scalar unit: blue, red, green, purple
pervasiveness in meaning/content and context of feeling


Quantitative expressions of determination:

narrative analysis: shading patterns, shades of grey
in-text: shading patterns, shades of grey
evaluative-attitudinal: shading patterns, shades of grey
on, and so forth..


Words as meaning, semiotic relation, textual expressions...

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Limitations of Study/ Concept Paper/ Margith A. Strand/ February 7, 2009

Limitations of Study/ Concept Paper

Limitations of the Study
The limitations of the study are involved in the boundary regions of the information used during the analysis stage of the study. Unlike Scientific theory models where the data is driven by the physical and factual realms of reality, we are interacting with educational theorization of situations and stances that are also data driven. However, in these cases, we are looking at the students and their knowledge formation in fields that are back-dropped in similar ways for the students by the educational institutions but, the material are perceived in different ways and to varying degrees of cognition and understanding.

I do feel, however, that the fact that the students are perceiving to varying degrees of understanding allows for the variation which is needed in sampling a large set and range of a data sample which, in this case, lies in the data sampled by the Atlas.ti software through the application of coding parametric applications. In the case that all of the population of the data sampled, are of the similar origin in their background and base-inherent information, we may not “see” the real case.

In this study, we are not looking for the level of comprehension; we are seeking for the “texture” and what makes for the “range of quality,” as well as the “colors” of the discussions obtained through the Discourse Analytic methodology. This study is intended to be a qualitative study meant to reveal the “qualities” and some of the “semiotically quantitative terminology” which may be revealed through the study.

Boundaries are constructs of our minds, as well as our students, and we as facilitators are in the platform modules as people to deliver the aspects of “color, insight and breadth and the knowledge of delivery in a way that is supportive of the receiver in the person on the “other side.”

Limitations in the field of Distance Education are more than likely inherent in the construction of the mode of the delivery style. The term delivery style is double-formatted: in the qualitative and quantitative way in which the Instructor and student, alike present their wording and ideas.

The other definition for delivery-style is the mode of the technology and the manner in which it is delivered. Even in the realm of the technical, we can see there are the ground-based computer format, and the laptop, with their individual and independent constraints and advantages.

Boundaries are modal. Modalities depend on their environment. Students and Instructors alike depend on their environment in both on-ground and online facets of receiving, delivering and retaining education, knowledge and instruction. I will be addressing the differences in this area of the facets of knowledge-base, information and data within the construct and context of modalities and the inherent limitations which may exist therein.

Concept Paper/Methodology and Personal Background/Margith A. Strand/February 7, 2009


The methodology of the study will involve the concept of C.T.C.C. [Concrete Thought Confirmation Concept] which is a “string” analysis theory that involves the “coding” and placement of the conceptual relationship into the sequence of learning steps or programs as intended by the program or course platform. Briefly put, C.T.C.C. is a step-wise method of conversion of abstract to concrete and is a reversible process that involves the “string” connection in terms of the discursive overall look at the course outcomes and learning objectives as facilitated by the words of the instructor and students in the course. To this extent, the words, as semiotic expressions of the overall intent of the instructor and the student, reveal the effectiveness of the expression and the overall structure of the sentence, phrase (phraseology), commentary, paragraph, or block of the portion of the discussion “thread.”

The coding of the Atlas.ti analytic program or process can be placed into the software with the background and the intent of the programmer or user in mind. The coding will be done with the components of the Discourse Analysis which I have chosen in mind. The choosing of the coding will be a task in itself and will take some extent of dedication and work. At this point, I have formatted the process of path and delivery of the study to the point that I can gain some ground in beginning the project with the intended goal and objective having been stated.
Here is a brief discussion of the venue of the C.T.C.C., intended to lay the construction of this portion of the theory so that we can add to the discussion at a later point: “Abstract theory” formation in distance learning in the area of the Sciences is something that is enabled through the assistance of what I will term “concrete thought confirmation concept” (C.T.C.C.). CTCC is an area which includes the use of application-driven models in that real world examples are used to support and facilitate the understanding and visualization of the theoretical connections to the “abstract.” “Abstract” in Science includes the visualization of physical processes in the dynamic form and integral mathematical form of stepwise processes where real-time and dimensional approaches are used to describe the natural way of doing things. CCTC can be used in Distance Education to promote the enhanced-learning of the more difficult concepts in various areas of subject fields which encompass calculus-driven functions and matrices-modeled physical theories. Within the educational context of distance learning and distance teaching, we see that the use of the transformative, step-wise driven “abstract to concrete” change of cognitive assimilation of information to a knowledge-base is facilitated by the presentation of an exchange of theory to application and application to theory in context of the subject matter. I believe that this process can hold true for various fields of study. Namely: law, economic theory, political theory, social science, mathematics, physics, engineering, among others. In addition, within the context of empirical and experiential theory applications, I feel that the integration of “abstract to concrete” and “concrete to abstract” idea formation in the student, in the effort to bring about the assimilation of information for the needed conversion to a knowledge-basis set for that area of study proceeds through the same track of learning.

The application of the Atlas.ti software should reveal a bountiful amount of information which can subsequently be studied for further framework-related data. The application of Atlas.ti for this study originated with the idea that “coding” may be an excellent means to generate the needed relationships and “strings” into the discussion threads so that the information can be found from the student and facilitator input for a set of classes. The author of this study has had experience with Grounded Theory and Grounded Action studies and therefore is familiar with “coding” procedures. One of the Committee members of this study is Dr. Jenny Edwards, an expert in the field of Atlas.ti software analysis and a constant seminar presenter in the field.

Personal Background

Discourse Analysis is an area which has long applied in area of knowledge-based theoretical discussions. My current application in the field of Distance Education is an area which is of the advent of the field of Developmental Distance Education and Learning Theory in that I feel that Dr. Rena Palloff’s teaching techniques of “Collaborative Learning” is the model for discussion formats in the field and I can add to that effort of attaining the ability in style and result if the Discourse Analytic mode of a discursive look at one’s style and ability were made. The components of the methodology as I would call it are from J. Lemke’s work as listed in the bibliography [1]. This list is from the choice which he has made; discourse analysis can be comprised of varying groups of components and can be less effective in attaining the needed result of the objective for that analysis.

Bookmarks/Distance Learning Methods/February 7, 2009


Friday, February 6, 2009

Concrete Thought Confirmation Process/Cognitive Processing utilizing Confirmatory Methods in Distance Learning/Margith Strand

Concrete Thought Confirmation Process/Cognitive Processing utilizing Confirmatory Methods in Distance Learning

“Abstract theory” formation in distance learning in the area of the Sciences is something that is enabled through the assistance of what I will term “concrete thought confirmation process” (C.T.C.P.). CTCP is an area which includes the use of application-driven models in that real world examples are used to support and facilitate the understanding and visualization of the theoretical connections to the “abstract.” “Abstract” in Science includes the visualization of physical processes in the dynamic form and integral mathematical form of stepwise processes where real-time and dimensional approaches are used to describe the natural way of doing things. CCTP can be used in Distance Education to promote the enhanced-learning of the more difficult concepts in various areas of subject fields which encompass calculus-driven functions and matrices-modeled physical theories. Within the educational context of distance learning and distance teaching, we see that the use of the transformative, step-wise driven “abstract to concrete” change of cognitive assimilation of information to a knowledge-base is facilitated by the presentation of an exchange of theory to application and application to theory in context of the subject matter. I believe that this process can hold true for various fields of study. Namely: law, economic theory, political theory, social science, mathematics, physics, engineering, among others. In addition, within the context of empirical and experiential theory applications, I feel that the integration of “abstract to concrete” and “concrete to abstract” idea formation in the student, in the effort to bring about the assimilation of information for the needed conversion to a knowledge-basis set for that area of study proceeds through the same track of learning.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Components of Discourse Analysis/ Section I/ Margith A. Strand


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Intertextuality is the shaping of texts' meanings by other texts. It can refer to an author’s borrowing and transformation of a prior text or to a reader’s referencing of one text in reading another. The term “intertextuality” has, itself, been borrowed and transformed many times since it was coined by poststructuralist Julia Kristeva in 1966. As critic William Irwin says, the term “has come to have almost as many meanings as users, from those faithful to Kristeva’s original vision to those who simply use it as a stylish way of talking about allusion and influence” (Irwin, 228).

Margith A. Strand's Comments:

Intertextuality in terms of Distance Education can be the transformation of the textual material which the facilitator or the student arises when he or she reads the course material and presents the content with her or his perspective in mind and support of. In terms of Contextual Theory, I feel that the context within which the comment is made and delivered in the class format can make a difference of assimilation of varying degrees of perception and recognition of the true nature of the theory which is being addressed. With respect to coding, I feel that "intertextuality" can be based on the following delivery codes: perception, shading, definers, scale, scaling.

Introduction for the Preliminary Concept Paper/ Margith A. Strand


Distance learning is an area which is currently under investigation by educators and scholars alike because of the nature of the issues and the surrounding abstract as well as conceptual questions which have been brought to the forefront of the division of education. On-ground education is an area which requires stimulus in the student by the instructor and the general formatting of the material support system of the course or program supported by that department or institution. Distance learning is an area of education which utilizes varied technological applications which are at times a challenge to the student and instructor or facilitator alike. Within the context of distance learning, we must acknowledge that there is the “other” side which incorporates the aspects involved in the teaching of the distance education courses, and I will call this side “distance teaching.” The association of educational theoretical terms and aspects can be expressed to describe these realms of distance education; I will term these areas empirical and experential contexts in that the empirical aspects can be considered to be the observational or somewhat more of the teaching mode of the distance learning experience. The experential mode of distance learning can be considered, in my view, to be the learning part of the online course experience in that the student is in an environment by herself or himself when he or she is involved in the course session for the time duration of that engagement. The environment is leveled and supported in material as well as abstractly configured by the software developers of that course format, as well as the presentation language of the facilitator. I wish to present semiotic theory as part of the dissertation in that the ways in which the “words as meaning” can support or on defray from the objective of the instruction of the course, in whatever subject field or matter.To this effect, I wish to relate the semiotic theory components as a mode of support in distance education by utilizing Discourse Analysis Theory. I will be utilizing all of the components of Discourse Analysis to analyze and investigate the nature the series of 63 course sections at a Higher Education proprietary institution and examine the following contexual sections involved in Discourse Analysis: In-Text, Narrative Analysis, Discursive formation, Register Theory, Text Semantics, Genre Theory, Intertexuality, Cohesion Analysis, Attitudinal-Evaluative meaning, Theme-Rheme Analysis, and Conversation Analysis. [1]

Contexts are theoretical aspects of educational theory as well as classroom constructs in both the on-ground and online venues of course presentation. The nature of the subject matter can be related and presented to the students in ways which facilitate assimilation and enthusiasm by a methodology which will implement the constructs of the eight sections which are given as part of Discourse Analysis Theory. I am utilizing the term “theory” along with the “Discourse Analysis” to supplant the technique into a methodology which, in my case, will mean that through the use of the analysis, I will show that a theory will form where subject matter material from a variety of subject fields can be analyzed to yield a variety of constructive information as part of an educational almanac in the field of Distance Education.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Reference 2: Rena Palloff, noted author.

Reference 2 in the Bibliography section of the Preliminary Concept Paper II are by the noted author Rena Palloff.

Preliminary II of the Concept Paper/Dissertation/Margith Strand

Statement of the Problem

Distance Education has been a field in which the focus has been on the areas of learning and teaching; educators have been directed to improve their vision on what makes the “good facilitator” and what makes the student “tick” in their sense of ambition and drive in regards to the online venue of their education. To this effect, the author of this paper has found that a large percentage of the literature has been focused on the topic of “collaborative” research, where the interaction of the student population is of interest and the manner in which they “speak” and develop their ideas with each other is taught at seminars and books in the field [2].

My approach is to take a discursive look at the field of Distance Education within the context of learning and teaching through the utilization of Discourse Analysis. The Discourse Analytical technique and methodology which I am intending to use include the following components: in-text, narrative analyses, discursive formation, register theory, text semantics, genre theory, intertexuality, cohesion analysis, attitudinal-evaluative meaning, theme-rheme analysis, and conversation analysis. [1]

Each of these components of the analysis are designed in my study to yield information which will support a model of distance education in which the contextual features are revealed according to the subject matter and area of focus of the subject field. This analytical approach in studying the field of distance education in a discoursive fashion can be applied to all of the subject matter fields.

Research Goals
My research goal is to seek a network framework which encompasses the contextual information contained within the discussion threads of Science courses which have been offered at a higher education, postsecondary online college and yield the Discourse Analytic framework information as analyzed through the Atlas.ti software system. The end result of this study is to develop a prototypical study which can be applied to other fields of subject matter and research.

The origination of this study began when the author of this paper sought the development of the political, sociological, educational, and economic (in the efficiency factor definition of the term) of the distance education basis of communication. The end result of the search was the decision to take the Discourse Analysis route as described above.

Limitations of the Study
The limitations of the study are involved in the boundary regions of the information used during the analysis stage of the study. The application of the Atlas.ti software should reveal a bountiful amount of information which can subsequently be studied for further framework-related data.



2. The Virtual Student: A Profile and Guide, co-authored with Keith Pratt, PhD , San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, March 2003.

“Metacommunication,” “Online Orientation,” and “Critical Dialogues” in Encyclopedia of Distributed Learning. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.

“Beyond the Looking Glass: What Faculty and Students Need to Be Successful Online,” co-authored with Keith Pratt, PhD in Rudestam, K.E. and Schoenholtz-Read, J., Handbook of Online Learning. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, February, 2002.

Lessons from the Cyberspace Sandbox: The Realities of Online Teaching, co-authored with Keith Pratt, PhD , San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, March 2001.

Building Learning Communities in Cyberspace: Effective Strategies for the Online Classroom, co-authored with Keith Pratt, PhD , San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1999. Winner of the Frandson Award for Excellence in Literature in Adult or Continuing Education, University Continuing Education Association, April 2000.

Effective Teaching and Learning in the Virtual Classroom, Published in the proceedings of the XV. IFIP World Computer Congress, Vienna, Austria and Budapest, Hungary, September, 1998.

Playing in the Cyberspace Sandbox: The Importance of Community in Distance Learning, Published in the proceedings of the XV. IFIP World Computer Congress, Vienna, Austria and Budapest, Hungary, September 1998.

Playing in the Cyberspace Sandbox: The Intersection of the Human and Electronic Communities, Published on ERIC, October 1994.

Playing in the Cyberspace Sandbox: The Intersection of the Human and Electronic Communities, electronic publication on Cybermind:


Monday, February 2, 2009

Matrix Model and Educational Context/Margith Strand

Matrix Model and Educational Context/Margith A. Strand/Learning Approach Analysis Methodology

I have discussed the Matrix Model briefly within the context of analog and digital applications of venue within the area of Distance Education. I would like to add some information into the area of Matrix Model and Educational Context. The area of Matrix Models includes the ideas of "operators" and the functional approach that these "operators" can perform and achieve change within the classroom arena, both online and on-ground. Operators typically are syntactic in the way in which their functional logic expresses the "function manner" of the class format, course format, instuctional format, facilitator class approach, course software approach, program approach, and general educational approach of an institution if the "learning approach" were to be considered when speaking in macroscopic terms and if one were taking a look at the general educational dynamics of the higher educational institutions and contexts of the college and university. In the scope of the "learning style" comparison, one could consider evaluating the differences and the so-called, what I will term "educational contexts" and "differential scales" of the institutions with the "learning models."

Operators are "to-do" function symbols, in my model, and they are words which express the action and the functionality in action when encompassing a theoretical and actualized way of doing something to initiate the change in education. I believe that educational institutions are based on the various learning models today, which in turn can be subsetted into various "operator" related function series; these function series can be expressed into Matrices and Matrix Tables of Educational Operators which can be used to evaluate and assess/differentiate between the effectiveness of the learning models by comparing the statistical data which evolve from the student population and basing the scores on the "operator functions." In other words, the educationally-derived "operators" are units from which to gather a collective way in which to compare larger driving systems of operations, such as a learning model of an higher education institution.

My basis of derivation for this idea/concept is from the Group Theory Model of Chemical Analysis and the Matrix Model of Operators which are used in these regime of chemical learning.

One entry found.

Main Entry:
Middle French or Late Latin; Middle French sintaxe, from Late Latin syntaxis, from Greek, from syntassein to arrange together, from syn- + tassein to arrange
1 a: the way in which linguistic elements (as words) are put together to form constituents (as phrases or clauses) b: the part of grammar dealing with this2: a connected or orderly system : harmonious arrangement of parts or elements 3: syntactics especially as dealing with the formal properties of languages or calculi

The function and the logic of the "syntax" is the definition of the term which I am seeking.
This post is to present a time format of placement and input by Margith A. Strand on the material which has been presented in the GMail spots. The date of this e-mail is a placement in the range and area of time origination for the Dissertation and idea context delivery into academia. Please note that all of the ideas in the Blogs/MargithStrand are copyrighted and are intellectual properties of Fielding Graduate University/MargithA.Strand/YolandaGayolas well as the Dissertation Committee of the University/February2, 2009.

From: Margith Strand To: ygayol@fielding.eduCc: jedwards@fielding.eduSubject: Discourse Analysis; Semiotic Theory in Distance Education/Margith Strand/ January 14, 2009Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 14:27:42 -0500
To: Yolanda

Good Morning! I wanted to send you a list of the pathway for the discussion and relevant information in the area of Discourse Analysis which I feel will benefit me in the writing of the Dissertation.

The supporting sections of the Discourse Analysis is as follows:

Register Theory
Genre Theory
Text Semantics
Discursive formation
Cohesion Analysis
Attitudinal-Evaluative meaning
Conversation analysis (peformed within the context of the Distance Education platform)
Narrative analysis (performed within the context of the Discussion and Online learning platform)
Theme-Rheme analysis

I find that the area of General Semiotics where "semiotics is the theory of the production and interpretation of meaning,"
can possibly be the basis for the progression in the structure and elucidation of my general approach for the working function of the Dissertation. I have found the general information from the works of J. Lemke. I am not aware, just yet, if this approach in connection to Distance Education has yet been performed, but I feel that it might be a natural fit to guide me.

It has been mentioned in a brief article by J. Lemke (
that "Social semiotics therefore makes no radical separation between theoretical and applied semiotics and is more closely associated with discourse analysis, multimedia analysis, educational research, cultural anthropology, political sociology, etc." I find that this statement is intriguing in that I find that the list to be rather comprehensive and related to the field of Distance Education, overall in that the sections do relate to the venues utilized in the area of Distance Learning and Teaching.

I would like to know the required sections of the Concept Paper. I have written the Proposal before for the Grounded Theory area, and am aware of the sections for that particular need.

Thank you, as always.

Margith A. Strand
This is an excerpt from an e-mail sent to my Research Director, Dr. Yolanda Gayol of Fielding Graduate University, who is based in Washington, D.C.:


Dr. Gayol I have some of my thoughts on the title of the Dissertation and the formation of the title. I feel that the term Empirical Education pertains to the observational context and is somewhat related to the "outside" reference in terms of teaching aspects in that the focal may be considered observational and therefore related to the external influences. In terms of the Experential Educational aspects, we can say that it may be termed more on the "inside to outside" learning modes of delivery in terms of the education of the student, and that experential related teaching can be presented as self-initiated teaching processes which are supported by inner motivational learning.

More thoughts on the Empirical Education: Observational in Distance Learning, only by observation of the written form of communication and within the constructs of language theory (of which I will be discussing more in my Dissertation presentation) and the modes of learning and extent revealed. The so-called "Shell" approach ( of which I have paraphrased to express the layers or levels of learning) can further elucidate further levels of breadth of understanding. The "Shell" approach engages in the transposition of literally or literal communication where the learner is the teacher herself of dimensions of approaches in engaged learning and transcends the general basis of required learning processes typically utilized in Distance Theory of Education. The more distant, and more complex the dimension of learning engagement, the more levels of Shell layering are present. In terms of the contexual approach to the layering of levels of Shell Theory, the learner can proceed through the "Analog" or "Digital" application of learning self-initiated processes. The outer level of the Shell Theory indicates that the learner must approach the preliminary foundations of the contexual subject area by filling in the void of the knowledge base and proceeding further along the tracks of the knowledge basis-set. As she/he develops the articulation point of the self-initiated teaching process, the learner forms quetions and thought processes which are indicative of his or her breadth of progression of movement along the planes and dimensions as emphasized by the MATRIX MODEL (of which I will be presenting and discussing in more detail during my progress of the Dissertation) of the learning process.

In the case of the "analog" process of learning development, the continuum of the model indicates that the analog model lay a constructive pathway and link all of the necessary sequences which are jointly verifiable and support the progression of delivery and learning. In the case of the "Digital" MATRIX MODEL of learning, the point-to-point pathways progression can be made which support a step-wise and more flexible venue of learning sequence and pathway support. The digital pathway is a more abstract pathway which allows more freedom and versatilityin development as compared to those of the analog sequential pathway. The digital pathway dictates a point-to-point progression of learning which is discrete in design and allows for cross jumping of ideas that are liberally step-wise in the facilitation of ideas. Design is an approximation of the articulation of ideas which entail the objective and reason for and behind the learning process. The Shell Theory of learning and the MATRIX MODEL of Analog and Digital Learning and representation process are features of a way in which the process of the Empirical and Experential model of Contexual Theory are expressed.

Margith A. Strand

Sunday, February 1, 2009


Distance learning is an area which is currently under investigation by educators and scholars alike because of the nature of the issues and the surrounding abstract as well as conceptual questions which have been brought to the forefront of the division of education. On-ground education is an area which requires stimulus in the student by the instructor and the general formatting of the material support system of the course or program supported by that department or institution. Distance learning is an area of education which utilizes varied technological applications which are at times a challenge to the student and instructor or facilitator alike. Within the context of distance learning, we must acknowledge that there is the “other” side which incorporates the aspects involved in the teaching of the distance education courses, and I will call this side “distance teaching.” The association of educational theoretical terms and aspects can be expressed to describe these realms of distance education; I will term these areas empirical and experential contexts in that the empirical aspects can be considered to be the observational or somewhat more of the teaching mode of the distance learning experience. The experential mode of distance learning can be considered, in my view, to be the learning part of the online course experience in that the student is in an environment by herself or himself when he or she is involved in the course session for the time duration of that engagement. The environment is leveled and supported in material as well as abstractly configured by the software developers of that course format, as well as the presentation language of the facilitator. I wish to present semiotic theory as part of the dissertation in that the ways in which the “words as meaning” can support or on defray from the objective of the instruction of the course, in whatever subject field or matter.

To this effect, I wish to relate the semiotic theory components as a mode of support in distance education by utilizing Discourse Analysis Theory. I will be utilizing all of the components of Discourse Analysis to analyze and investigate the nature the series of 63 course sections at a Higher Education proprietary institution and examine the following contexual sections involved in Discourse Analysis: In-Text, Narrative Analysis, Discursive formation, Register Theory, Text Semantics, Genre Theory, Intertexuality, Cohesion Analysis, Attitudinal-Evaluative meaning, Theme-Rheme Analysis, and Conversation Analysis. [1]

Contexts are theoretical aspects of educational theory as well as classroom constructs in both the on-ground and online venues of course presentation. The nature of the subject matter can be related and presented to the students in ways which facilitate assimilation and enthusiasm by a methodology which will implement the constructs of the eight sections which are given as part of Discourse Analysis Theory. I am utilizing the term “theory” along with the “Discourse Analysis” to supplant the technique into a methodology which, in my case, will mean that through the use of the analysis, I will show that a theory will form where subject matter material from a variety of subject fields can be analyzed to yield a variety of constructive information as part of an educational almanac in the field of Distance Education.
